Our oxygen therapy offers an opportunity to utilize supplemental oxygen inhalation to aid in immunity function, stress reduction, enhance concentration, mental clarity, improves stamina and alertness, faster tissue healing, better exercise capacity, and a reduction in the effects of hangovers, headaches and sinus issues.
Oxygen therapy gives your body the oxygen it’s not getting when you breathe in air. You might think of it as a respiratory system aid. When you breathe through your mouth or nose, your body takes in air. Air contains 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. Your lungs filter oxygen from this air. They then send oxygen through blood vessels to your organs, tissues and cells. When you have lung problems, not enough oxygen reaches your cells to keep your body and organs working as they should. You develop low blood oxygen levels (hypoxemia). Over time, hypoxemia can lead to organ damage and organ failure. Lack of oxygen can be life-threatening. Although oxygen therapy can’t cure a respiratory problem, it can help your body get the oxygen it needs to keep organs healthy and functioning. As a result, you may feel less breathless while doing activities, have more energy and be more physically active. Also oxygen therapy can help you sleep better!